Freitag, 29. August 2008

Hard decisions we have to make every day...

- Do we take the plane, train,ferry, bus, long tail boat or the tuk tuk to get to the next destination?
- Which beach is suitabel for our luxury bodies?
- Should we drink a fresh orange, pineapple or mango juice?
- DO I eat my food out of a pineapple or coconut?
- Should I buy the dress for 3 euros or is it possible to negoatiate it further to 2 euros?
- Should we take the hotel with the pool or with the yoga and thai massage facilities?
- Do I really need a fifth tailor made blouse?
- Should I better do the elephant riding or the white water rafting after the jungle trekking?
- Should I take a yellow or a blue helmet to my green motorscooter?
- Do I prefer for this afternoon to lie in the hammock under a palmtree or on the airbed in the turkis sea?
- Which type of massage do I prefer: thai, oil, aloe vera, herbal, facial,foot, back,shoulder or happy end massage:)?
- Manicure, pedicure, couloring and curling of my eyelashes?
- Shall we better attend at the halfmoon, fullmoon, blackmoon or shivermoon party on the beach or in the jungle?
- Should we better dance on the bamboo dancefloor or in the water?
- Which nationality should I kiss tonight?
- Is this girl real or rebuild?

No worries...
We didn't change at all...
Have a look...

Cu guys in one week...or never again????
Kisses from the 4 girls in paradise!!!

Dienstag, 19. August 2008

Same, same- but different! Cheap, hot Thailand

After we arrived in the paradise of shopping and massage,
Steffi and me went out to Khaosan Road and went directly to the tailor. Actually it was by accident: but we ordered sako, skirt, trouser, 2 dresses and 3 blouses:) WE couldnt stand this cheap prices and that tailor-made. Oh wow!

After that we went to the Massage and beauty center which is here on every corner and get us a facial and thai massage for 1hour (4Euro!!!).

At the next day Nina and Kordschi finally joined us. 4 girls in shopping paradise- ohoh! But we already did some sightseeing besides of shopping:)
At night it started to rain like hell (almost every second day) because of the rain season. We got completely wet, when we arrived at the hotel and laughed for minutes about it :)
We went with the boat through the klongs (=canal), saw one big iguana in the river, a lot of wats, buddha monks, elephants,...

One day we made a trip to the swimming market, the bridge at the Kwai (Moovie) and a tiger temple! At the swimming market we took a boat, but stand for 10minutes on the same place directly in the hot sun because there were too many boats with tourists on that small river. We almost went crazy, but could "escape" after 20minutes. Horrible! Very, very touristic. But I think thats almost everything in Thailand.
The bridge at the Kwai was a little bit scary- no handrail and strong wind. But no problem for me now after my skydive :) Thousands of people died while building the bridge!
The tiger temple was also very touristic. Guides took you by the hand and took pictures with you and the tigers! We thought this will be completely different. We heard after our visit that they get drugs to be calm. Sorry, we didnt know :(
Nice trip, although very touristic!

At night we went to the Pathong, the red light district. Of course by tuk tuk,
which is cheapest and most exciting way to get around (actually very, very dangerous- so much traffic in Bangkok). I couldnt believe that some of these ladyboys were once men...They look like the most beautiful women! Interesting and also horrible to see at the same time..

At the next day we couldnt get into the Wats because the sister of the king died. So we went to the big weekend market with 6000 stands. Unbelievable cheap( fake brands for 3 euro per tshirt) but soo hot during the day. I prefer night markets :)

Right now we are in Chang Mai! Unfortunatley, I had some problems with my stomache and had fever yesterday. So we went to the hospital and I got some medications. Now I am feeling much better. But I couldnt do the trekking tour today. Lovely Steffi stayss with me while Nina and Kordschi started a 2 day trekking, elephant riding , village visit, bamboo rafting trip. Steffi and me will hopefully do a one day trip soon!

Thats it!
Hope to hear from you soon!
yours 4 thai girls

Ps: More photos on facebook (as always).

Donnerstag, 14. August 2008

HongKong, the city which never sleeps - Lost in translation!

Ni Hau!

HongKong is awesome! Really another world. I have never seen such a city, so many lights, so many people, so many smells, .... before! It was hot like hell. Sweat the whole day and had some problems at the first day. But we drink salt soup, so we could survive:)
We lived at my friend's place, Ka Ho! He was one of the most friendliest and welcomed host, we ever had. He even thanked us that we choose him as host :) Great experience to live in a typical Chinese high accomadation for thousands of people in a 18sqm room.
At the first day, we made the typical sightseeing tour at HongKong Island. I was really impressed of the huge buildings. I think HK tops New York 10 times!!!! Unbelievable high!Of course went to Vicotiras peak to get a perfect view over the city....AMAZING! So many buildings at such a few space!!! In the evening we met Ka HO, Janice and Greg(all friends from Sweden) who introduced us to Hot pot with them. Soo good! But I dont know where Chinese people eat all that in their belly...Where is it? The day was good, although the temperature hit us so hard that we had to stop a lot of times during the day and went to the air conditioned malls and restaurants. You have to get used to it: unbelievable hot and freezing cold within 2 seconds!
THe second day, Ka Ho could take a day off. So we had a perfect local guide to start some other tour than normal tourists do, when they are in Hong Kong. Did you know that HOngKong is 70% of green area? We didn't and we were impressed of the beautiful hills.
We went to the bigh Budda at Lantau island (34high on the top of the mountain), to a fishing village with baraks (we saw pink dolphins- amazing!!!). At night we went to Kowloon at the night market and had some typical Chinese food (Peking duck, shrimps, rice,..). We watched the light show from the Kowloon harbour with the erected penesis (=scryscrapers) like our chinese friends told us.

The two days were really to short! But we get a great introduction especially because Ka Ho could tell us so much about the Chinese culture.
It was my first time in HongKong. I hink either you love HK or you hate it! I really loved it!!!! But just for visiting.

Now we are heading to Thailand and met our lovely Kordschi and Nina! We are looking forward to it, although its our last stop now...

More photos at facebook!

Yours Alex and Steffi

Ps: Olympic games are everywhere! Everywhere big screens and every Chinese is watching!

Sonntag, 10. August 2008

BULA Fiji!

What previsouly happened on Fiji:
We hopped on 5 small beautiful islands and relaxed at the white sandy beach of the blue lagune:
There we...
- ate coconuts from the palmtrees
-lay in the maddocks and enjoyed the sun
- did a summit walk at 6 o'clock in the morning and watched the sunrise
- ate a lot, especially fish, rice, pineapples, melones, papaya,...
- drank cocktails
- read
- visited a village and saw how Fijis are living
- went snorkeling and saw corals, Nemos (1 baby nemo) and 1000 of fish
- get in contact with unbelievable friendly Fijis who never left the island before and were really interested in Europe and our country
- saw fire shows at the beach and dances and songs of the Fijian locals
- drank Kava, the national drug drink of the Fijian to get high at ceremonies

..and finally get almost killed by a black/white seasnake(more poison than a Cobra!!!), which came up the beach while Alex was standing in the sea.

Some Fiji lcoals wanted to mary us, but we decided, we don't want to stay on an island without electricity and just look for shells at the beach.
So, you can be happy: We will come back...some day :)

Summarizing: A wonderful and relaxing week after 5 weeks of cold Chile and NZ!

Next stop: Hong Kong, where we stay at Ka Ho's place during the olympic games...hope the Chinese will let us cross the border!

Stay tuned!








Ps: More photos at facebook!

Freitag, 1. August 2008

Sweet as...Goodbye Kiwis!

Unbelievable..half of our trip is over :(
We are getting depressed...Just you guys in lovely Austria helps us over that :)
Honestly, leaving New Zealand makes us a little bit sad!
Unfortunately, we were really lazy in writing and showing you some pictures (for those who have Facebook,check out).

I'l try to summarize:
What happened the last weeks, especially on the Southern Island:
After an amazing and very funny night in the capital, Wellington, with the people from the Kiwibus, we get some seats at a 12 person propeller-plane from Wellington(Northisland) to Picton (Southisland). The ferry was out of order because of the strong wind with 120km/h. Can you imagine sitting a small proppeller plane??? Very advantourose.
Other highlights, of course the skydive and helicoper-hike, we have already informed you.
Besides, the weather was much better on the Southisland. We even had some sun and almost no rain!!! We get some red cheeks (maybe because of the ozon whole..or the fresh air:)).
We could do a lot of walks at the beach, to beautiful lakes, to the Pancake rocks (limestone formation at the beach which looks like pancakes). We saw two amazing sunrises at the beach and a rugby game of the Newzealands "all blacks" versus Ozzys "Wallabies". Unfortunately, the Ozzies won. But some Kiwis introduced us to the rules and we just think: " Crazy game. The best thing is, that the team of New Zealand is doing the Haka, the maori war dance, before they start playing. Rugby is the most popular game in NZ and you can buy fan article everywhere...

Right now, we are in Queenstown, the adventue capital of the world. AJ Hackett, the inventor of Bungy, was the first who introduced bungy jumping by jumping of bridges everywhere in NZ. You have thousands of adventoure activities now in Queenstown: Bungy jumping from the bridge, the mountain, a gondola into canyon (134meter!!!), canyon swing, skydiving, rafting and so on...REally, really crazy. Queenstown is also a skiing town. Unfortunately, we have no time to go skiing.

But today, we went to the Milford sound: the fiords behind an amazing scenery of mountains (so high and steep). The weather was good and we went with the boat out and saw some seals, 60meter high waterfalls, and undescribable landscape (similar to Norway, but I think better because of the snow capped mountains).

Summarizing, we like the Southisland much more. But maybe the weather is a reason! We definatley missed the people from the Northern trip, with whom we had a really good time. So not that much party at the south island.

Sorry, I have no time left for showing you some pictures. I will do that at home, who is interested!

So, tomorrow back to Christchurch and on Sunday to Fiji in the sun!
We are looking forward to it, although I really loved New Zealand!!!!
A wonderful country similar to Scandinavia, Scotland, you know, I love it :)
The time was short: We think we have to come back again!!!!

Sweet Kiwis say!

Take care and enjoy August!!!

Big hugs from yours

Dienstag, 29. Juli 2008

Skydiving at Fox Glacier NEW ZEALAND 29.07.2008

I must not feat, fear is the mind killer.
Fear is the little death that brings total obliteration.
I will face my fear.
I will permit it to pass over and through me.
and when it has gone past I will turn the inner eze to see its path.
Where the fear has gone there will be nothing.
Only I will remain.


Here is the proof!


I jumped out of a plane in 12.000feet (=3.500meter)!!!!

Press the button for the song:

FREEFALL of 45 seconds falling down the earth with 200 km/hr!!!!

Honestly, would you believe I faced my fear of heights and jumped out of a plane????? If you know me, I would say, NEVER EVER!
Dont ask me why...I didnt even realize it, when I sit in the small mini propeller- plane and looked at the Franz Josef and Fox Glacier and the snow capped Mount Cook.
I think when the time comes, you have to do something really crazy in our life. And today was THE day!

And it was amazing!!!! You cant describe the feeling falling down with 200km/h to the earth....
I recommened it to everyone! Kordschi, you will enjoy it!
Its the best thing I have ever done in my life!!!! With no doubt!!!!
For all those, who dont believe I jumped at that point, I have a crazy DVD!!!! (to be watched at my sponsi-party maybe)!

WICKED - The BEST day in our life!!! OR: Kiwis go crazy

After days of rain and cancelled activities, finally we had without any doubt our

Getting up at 6:45 in the morning (after few sleep especially Alex), we were picked up to the Skydive Centre to go skydiving over the Fox Glacier, the Tasman sea and the rainforest all in one :)
New Zealands most awesome Skydive over scenery unique in the world.


Honestly, this wasnt enough for us adrenalin junkies:)
Threfore we went heli-hiking on the Franz Josef Glacier (named after our emperor!!!) going up a second time- the first time in our lives in a helicopter!!!! AWESOME flying so the close to the mountains, waterfalls and thick ice!


After we get dropped off at a plateau on the galcier, we get some spikes and a pick-axe and hiked through amazing icefields and blue and turquoise caves!!!! Wonderful ice formations, ice lakes just in 800meter hight surrounded by the rainforest!!!
UNIQUE in the world!!!
The best hike in our life!


And the best day in our life!!!!

Ps: Out of money now. Donations urgently requested to the account: 38765558

More pictures in New Zealand:see Facebook

Montag, 21. Juli 2008

Hejlllooooa (Kiwi Language)

Finally, we are in Kiwiland!
But unfortunatelly, we have bad luck with the weather. Since our arrival it rained EVERY day. But after some minutes, it can happen, that the sun is shining..but also just for a couple of minues ..sometimes. So, crazy weather here in New Zealand!
But not only the weather is crazy- also the people.
They are wearing flip flos (or no shoes) and shorties when it's raining. Besides, we can't understand them. Actually, I don"t think they speak English. It's really hard to understand our busdriver when he talks for hours about any activities.. But they are all one of the friendliest people we ever met. It reminds me a little bit of Sweden, but just nicer :) At our arrival day we met a man at the train station in Auckland who went with us to the lockers (gave us money for it), went on with us to the bus station and showed us everything. At the end he gave us his phone number if we have any problems...!!! We weren't sure about all this friendliness and if our things are still in the lockers when we get back. But they were!!! And everybody is like that here...happy and friendly..although it is raining almost the whole day.

We are going with the Kiwi bus, which is a little bit of an extrem activity tour with almost only young (which means really young) people from the UK. So you can do every day something like Skydiving, bungy jumping, Zorbing (rolling with a big ball filled with water down the hill), ludging (like summer sledging (Sommerrodeln), black water rafting (sitting on a tube and floating through a cave), white water rafting, helicopter flights,...
So, that's also one things why the KIWIS are really crazy people here. Let"s see what we have done when we finish our trip :)

Highlights so far:
- Waitomo caves: walking through 65 meters down under earth with beautiful formations of Stalagmites and stalagtites.
- Hobbiton: We saw Gollum, or at least the statue. By the way, the landscape looks everywhere like in the Lord of the Rings. Small green hills, sheeps, cows, rivers and beautiful trees, farnes and so different plants I have never seen before
- Redforest: a big big forest with huuuge trees. WE felt like in the rainforest!
- Rotorua: the thermal city of NZ with steaming holes everywhere. Highlight: Geysirs injecting 10 meters in the air!!!
- Kiwi bird: Very, very cute! A round (fat) bird without wings with a long pecker (Schnabel). I like it!
- Maori show: very, very interesting with the Haka dance (warrior dance) and a great meal.

Now we are in Taupo and can see Mount Doom (=Lord of the rings) from here. Unfortunately, the great day walk is closed (like every activities and walks we wanted to do so far), which makes us very sad. It should be one of the best day walks ever going on the red crater (where the ring was thrown inside) of the Volcano passing forests, lakes,....
We couldn't do the Black Water Rafting as well because of the flooding cave. Hopefully it's getting better that we can do a Helicopter flight.

So far...
What's happening in Austria? Any interesting news or everything quite? Inform us. We are looking forward to your mails.

xoxo from the other side of the world,
Frodo and Gollum (you can decide who is who)

Donnerstag, 17. Juli 2008

Adios Chile

Hola chicos and chicas!

Last blog entry from South america!
We are changing continents now ;)

What happened the last week?
Our Roque arrived- although with one day delay!

We went to Talca, 3 hours by bus away from Santiago in the South. The city wasn't that nice. But we went to a cabine in the Andes there and stayed for three days far far away from civilsation without any internet nor mobile connection. Deep in the Andes - the owners are a French couple, which moved there 4 years ago. We had great and quiet time there, trekking in the valleys, went to the Sauna and played a lot of Poker because one day it rained the whole day. In the evening we had dinner in the living room of a Chileanen family, who prepared a nice meal for us.

We spend the last days in Santiago and went to some luxury areas, which changed our view of the Chilean's capital.

One day we spend in Valporaiso, a harbour city 2 hours away from Santiago. The small and colourful houses are build on various hills with 16 elevators. Otherwise you have to walk veeeery steep....
For Bridgett: Chileanen seaman ;)

In some hours we will catch our plan to Auckland and are very sad to leave Roland (especially Steffi;))!
Although he carried me on hands (frei uebersetzt;)
But we are looking forward to a new country and more adventure:) We are already booked a tour with Kiwi experience to get from the North to the South island and will see hopefullt the main spots. If you are intested, check out: (Sheep Dog Tour)

See/read you in NEW ZEALAND!!!

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