HongKong, the city which never sleeps - Lost in translation!

Ni Hau!

HongKong is awesome! Really another world. I have never seen such a city, so many lights, so many people, so many smells, .... before! It was hot like hell. Sweat the whole day and had some problems at the first day. But we drink salt soup, so we could survive:)
We lived at my friend's place, Ka Ho! He was one of the most friendliest and welcomed host, we ever had. He even thanked us that we choose him as host :) Great experience to live in a typical Chinese high accomadation for thousands of people in a 18sqm room.
At the first day, we made the typical sightseeing tour at HongKong Island. I was really impressed of the huge buildings. I think HK tops New York 10 times!!!! Unbelievable high!Of course went to Vicotiras peak to get a perfect view over the city....AMAZING! So many buildings at such a few space!!! In the evening we met Ka HO, Janice and Greg(all friends from Sweden) who introduced us to Hot pot with them. Soo good! But I dont know where Chinese people eat all that in their belly...Where is it? The day was good, although the temperature hit us so hard that we had to stop a lot of times during the day and went to the air conditioned malls and restaurants. You have to get used to it: unbelievable hot and freezing cold within 2 seconds!
THe second day, Ka Ho could take a day off. So we had a perfect local guide to start some other tour than normal tourists do, when they are in Hong Kong. Did you know that HOngKong is 70% of green area? We didn't and we were impressed of the beautiful hills.
We went to the bigh Budda at Lantau island (34high on the top of the mountain), to a fishing village with baraks (we saw pink dolphins- amazing!!!). At night we went to Kowloon at the night market and had some typical Chinese food (Peking duck, shrimps, rice,..). We watched the light show from the Kowloon harbour with the erected penesis (=scryscrapers) like our chinese friends told us.

The two days were really to short! But we get a great introduction especially because Ka Ho could tell us so much about the Chinese culture.
It was my first time in HongKong. I hink either you love HK or you hate it! I really loved it!!!! But just for visiting.

Now we are heading to Thailand and met our lovely Kordschi and Nina! We are looking forward to it, although its our last stop now...

More photos at facebook!

Yours Alex and Steffi

Ps: Olympic games are everywhere! Everywhere big screens and every Chinese is watching!
docvoo - 14. Aug, 09:46

knowing locals, having friends at places one visits always comes in handy. gives you a completely different perspective and makes you feel a little less lost and touristy. i like it.

Surfermaus - 17. Aug, 13:25

Definately true! I almost felt like one Chinese:)
Thanks for the many posts, Docvoo! Every time nice to read some comments about your impressions of our entries!
Hope the others will do as well!!!!
pierluigi - 14. Aug, 10:21

I am very disappointed...and Mrs. Melchert would be even more that you didn't know HongKong is a very green Island...remember we had in Geographie Wahlpflichfach!! Vü Spass in Thailand...Grüssts die Ladyboys von mir! Muahhaaa

Surfermaus - 17. Aug, 13:29

Ich hab eh nur wegen der Melchert dort hin muessen :) Hab ihr schon eine Karte vom Victorias Peak geschrieben. Hab mich nur mehr an Kowloon und HongKong Island erinnern koennen und dass der Flughafen auf Lantau ist. Cool, wenn man in der Schule drueber lernt und dann wirklich selber dort hinkommt!!!
Bussi zurueck. Waren gestern eh in Patpong- sehr, sehr org! Alles weitere auf dem naechsten Blogeintrag zu lesen :)
Bettl - 15. Aug, 23:18

wahhhh...ich krieg die krise da in wien....ihr vier hübschen mädls in thailand und ICH??? ich bin in wien....wahhhhhhh....ich mag auch zu euch!!!!

kisses back to you!!!

Surfermaus - 17. Aug, 13:31

Fahr sofort am Flughafen und nimm den neachsten Flug zu uns. Alles sooo billig, ich bin im Shoppingrausch ...aaaah!
Wir vier schicken dir ein ganz dickes, fettes Bussl nach Hause!!!
Denken an dich!

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