Let the journey begin...Alechandra y Estefania as WORLD TRAVELLERS
Hola Chicas y Chicos en todo el mundo!
Since I have promised to write in English, we try our best....
After a long journey of 24 hours with stops in London and Sao Paulo and nearly getting Thrombose (thanks Dad for the injection), we safely arrived in SANTIAGO DE CHILE!!!
We had an amazing view from the plane on the snow-covered Andes, which arise from the northest to the southest point of Chile. One of the most impressing things here: You can see the Andes from almost every point of the 6million inhabitant city as well as palm trees and the smog that is covering the city. Very, very strange, but special.
Honestly, it´s quite cold here. We have to sleep in our fleece pullovers at night (no heating). But during the day the sun is shining a lot and the Chileans are warming our heart by giving us red roses. Overall, we made only good experiences with everybody being extremly friendly and kind to us. Everybody tries to talk to us in Spanish, even if we can¨t answer them (unlike in Austria or Czech republic).
After 3 days in Santiago we are starting tomorrow our tour the northern part of Chile (Target: Salar de Atacama=biggest salt desert in the world). We booked a tour for 10 days with a mini bus of about 14 young backpackers. Check out: www.pachamamabybus.com
We are really looking forward to seeing the amazing landscape of beautiful Chile: Flamingos, penguines, sealions, dolphins,... Juhui!
Summarized: We love Chile!!!
Here some impressions of beautiful Santiago:

Adios Amigos!
to be continued..
Since I have promised to write in English, we try our best....
After a long journey of 24 hours with stops in London and Sao Paulo and nearly getting Thrombose (thanks Dad for the injection), we safely arrived in SANTIAGO DE CHILE!!!
We had an amazing view from the plane on the snow-covered Andes, which arise from the northest to the southest point of Chile. One of the most impressing things here: You can see the Andes from almost every point of the 6million inhabitant city as well as palm trees and the smog that is covering the city. Very, very strange, but special.
Honestly, it´s quite cold here. We have to sleep in our fleece pullovers at night (no heating). But during the day the sun is shining a lot and the Chileans are warming our heart by giving us red roses. Overall, we made only good experiences with everybody being extremly friendly and kind to us. Everybody tries to talk to us in Spanish, even if we can¨t answer them (unlike in Austria or Czech republic).
After 3 days in Santiago we are starting tomorrow our tour the northern part of Chile (Target: Salar de Atacama=biggest salt desert in the world). We booked a tour for 10 days with a mini bus of about 14 young backpackers. Check out: www.pachamamabybus.com
We are really looking forward to seeing the amazing landscape of beautiful Chile: Flamingos, penguines, sealions, dolphins,... Juhui!
Summarized: We love Chile!!!
Here some impressions of beautiful Santiago:

Adios Amigos!
to be continued..
Surfermaus - 28. Jun, 00:01
Santiago seems to be good place to start the world journey..
and luckily Alex A.J. Jacko Capone has a plan what to do the next 10 days.. ;)
So all the best to you and enjoy the beautiful landscape of chile!