Never trust big, blond Swedish guys!!!

So, Zeit wirds wieder etwas zu schreiben. Hoffe ihr kommt noch nach- hab schon großes Lob bekommen, dass ich brav am Schreiben bin. Und da ich gerne gelobt werde, hier der nächste Blogeintrag.

What did happen in Lund the last days?
First of all, the weather was very, very nice the last days.
That's why we couldn't stay at home to study, but went out to do some real important stuff like this:

Yesss- we found a playground in Lund and a very nice slope for sledging as well. When the first snow will fall down, we will be there for sure!
Friday I baked a cake for Rickard's birthday. An original Sachertorte. Guess how old he is now?

Unfortunately, I took no fotos of the evening. But we went out at Glorias, a pub and sportsbar in downtown Lund. Rickard didn't know anything about the "party" and was very surprised. After a real good Caesar salad and one beer I had 18Euros less in my purse. Expensive Sweden:(
Big home party at Sparta afterwards. After some beer and wiskey, I took my "Obstler" to make sure the Swedish people do know, what we are drinking in Austria. But I learned my lesson. Never drinking with big, blond Swedish guys again who gave me some 10% drink. "Actually, it's only spicy water." In fact it was some 40% pear Vodka---ayyyayaaah. This drink was also the end of the evening for me. I left the kitchen at 6am and fall in my bed, almost dead. Saturday I had the worst hangover in Lund ever! So nothing special to report about this day.
That's why I was studying at Sunday almost the whole day (after sleeping till midday:)). The biggest event on this day: A 1,2h running trip with, the one and only, Mr. Rock n'roll. Honestly, we get lost on a golf course. Suddenly some people shout at us that we should leave the course because we crossed their way. I weared my "Austrian skiing Team"-Shirt, so we left quickly to make sure they won't recognize us.
That's all about the weekend.

At the end I wish
Mr. Spilauer and Mr. Sabitzer
all the best for their birthdays!!!!!

Hope you enjoyed your parties and get drunk like me ;)
I celebrate your birthdays as well here in Lund :)

Ps: If you are wondering why I changed to English... I have no idea.
But on Saturday I was dreaming in English- so maybe this is a good sign. Or I was drunk..which I was, definatley. :)
BabyBirne - 8. Okt, 17:51

Hahaha.. dann haben wir wahrscheinlich Freitag Abend und den ganzen Samstag ähnlich verbracht. Kann aber nix dafür - das hast du mir so beigebracht ;) Bin stolz auf dich Schwesterherz :p

kordl - 9. Okt, 15:32

na heeee....die idee mit den smarties hast du gestohlen schatzl =) a typical chocolate smartie swedish birthday cake hehehe.....
thinking of youuuu busssls kordschi

Bettl - 9. Okt, 17:00

jaja, deine sister vertritt dich hier ganz gut, muss ich sagen, also wenn du wieder kommst, musst du dich gscheit ins zeug legen :)
das bild von dir am spielplatz ist ja SAUGEIL :) how sweet ;)

ich glaub saugeil ist grad mein neues lieblingswort, es klingt halt einfach saugeil :)

na guti, ich bin grad dumm im kopf, sorry! machs gut schatzl!!!


Surfermaus - 9. Okt, 17:28

Sie hat ja auch von der Meisterin gelernt ;)
Aber du brauchst dir keine Sorgen machen! Wenn wir zurück kommen, dann steht Wien sowieso mal Kopf ;) Ich werd aber weiterhin brav trainieren:)
Funny you!

@Kordsch: Nicht gestohlen. Kopiert ;)

Missing you girls! Biiig Hug to all of you!

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