Montag, 17. Dezember 2007

Farewell parties- Muuuuch fun and very sad at the same time

One of the last blog last time in English...
What happened the last days? Big party week went on...

Thursday as I told you before, we had the Santa Lucia day and the big party in my favorite nations. Before that, we went to the Christmasparty at Korridor A/B in Sparta to see all the people there again. The evening was great. Snow cannons, a special Christmas drink (Vodka, Glögg and Sprite) and a lot of fun.

Even my corridor mates Daniel and Pierre came by!!!
At the end the SECURITY and best corridor neighbour ever gave me my phone which he had stolen from my room before. While standing a long time in the queue and waiting for the jackets, we had a lot of fun with this phone and everybody called somebody. As you can see, it's a SAFE PHONE ;) Don't worry, Pierre ;)

Mr. Upperaustria invited us to a fantastic dinner in the evening cause one of the best French guys I ever met, left on the next day. So team Austria came by to show our deepest respect to Thomas! Puchi cooked Steak with potatoes, sauce and Ruccolo Salad with parmesan. One of the best meals I ever ate here in Lund (except of the days my parents I went to the restaurants ;)).
Thomas, we will never forget you and the great time with you here in Lund.

Saturday: JULFEST pâ corridoren! (JUL=Christmas)
At about 18h we gathered in the kitchen to decide what we are going to buy at ICA for dinner. Typical Swedish Christmas food: Johansson (Potatoes with cream and something else), Köttbullar, Wiener (yeeeah :)), fish and so on. A typical drink for Sweden, which is just sold at Christmas: Julmust!

After this Santa Claus came!!!

Everybody brought a presents, Santa Claus put it on the table. Afterwards we drew a number and number one was first to take a present. I got a Mini Basketball game with Milka choclate- yeeeah :)
Next item on the agenda: Tour de Chambre!
Anybody heard about this? I will explain it to you. It's a really tough thing- I have no idea who had this stupid idea because after finishing the tour you can be happy if you are alive :)
It means that you are going in every room to have a drink, normally with a motto. So the room is decorated. There you stay for a while, talk, dance, sometimes play a game (we did charade) and then you go on to the next room.
10 rooms with different kind of drinks. I cooked Punsch, served Burning Manner and played Wiener Walzer and Zillertaler Hochzeitsmarsch ;)

Ada(Us) had the beach theme with Baileys and cream and Beach Boys Music. Daniel the greek theme, Rickard the Swedish Christmas theme (Glögg and crafting Tomte (=Weihnachtsmann auf Swedish)) and so on. It was a really funny tour and we got more and more drunk. In the last room (Roberts) we had a small accident with the Absinth and the alarm went on and Catherine burned her hand. Fire on the table!!! This was a small shock. But all went well in the end. No worries ;)
After the tour other people came by and Rickard played the guitar and we all sang together (no photos- but videos!!! I will show you at home :)).

Cream fight in the kitchen:

Rickard, I, Pierre, Robert, Patrik, Paula, Daniel and AdaThe best corridor mates ever!!!! (Emil as well: he took the picture ;))

At the end I start to become a little bit sentimental...But the people promised me to come to Vienna! You know, the door is always open for you!!!
And I will come to LUND for sure!

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Dezember 2007

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Jetzt wirds dann auch...
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